It's Only Calm
It's Only Calm

It's Only Calm

Original(ish): One Tuesday, I found myself bored and had nothing to do, so I turned to my iPad mini and GarageBand.

Donald Louch
September 15th, 2015 at 5:30pm

"It's Only Calm" by Donald Louch

It's Only Calm Artwork

Original(ish): One Tuesday, I found myself bored and had nothing to do, so I turned to my iPad mini and GarageBand. I decided to play around with the guitar, drum kits, and piano functions on the app and to my surprise, what I heard was good. Therefore, I decided to record the digital instruments and make a little song out of it. I got the title from listening to the song repeatedly and just thought this song was calming so I came up with the name, It's Only Calm. I further felt that the title fitted with the theme and to the tempo of the song.

Released On: September 14th, 2015

Genre: Easy Listening

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Watch the notes come alive on YouTube